5 min readApr 12, 2021


Losing a girlfriend can turn out to be one’s worst nightmare. The pain and agony it causes you can inevitably make you vulnerable.

Unlike other aches, the pain of losing a girlfriend enhances with the time, and you don’t find harmony until you actually win her back, or put yourself on a sedative to forget the reminiscences of good times that you once spent with her.

Here it is imperative to note that most men consider the second option to be easier. However, it is not a permanent cure and can actually hit you hard once you are out of the effects of tranquillizers. Get Your Ex Back

How to Get Your Girlfriend Back

It is natural to have shaky patches in between the relationships, but you should never let them affect the gravity of the relation.

If somehow in worst scenarios, you lose your girlfriend, you should not lose the hope of winning her back. Therefore the first thing you can do to get her back is to remain hopeful and have full faith and confidence in your abilities.

Often the relationships are destroyed because of the attitude and egoistic behaviour. If you seriously want to get your girlfriend back, then you would need to mend your attitude and also get rid of the egocentric notions at any cost.

The first step to getting your ex-girlfriend back is to forget about the relationship for a while. Sorry, not what you wanted to hear, is it? Well, it’s true.

You need to back off and put your energy into something else. Go out, make new friends, have fun, workout, and forget about your ex-girlfriend for awhile.

If you continue to pursue her, she will only pull further away. I’m telling you this from experience. It’s just human nature. We want what we don’t have.

Why do you see so many people having affairs or getting divorced only to deeply regret it later? The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, and you may need to give her some time to figure that out. Give yourself a couple of months and make changes in your life. How To Get Your Husband Back

Take some time away from your ex-girlfriend, and it will work wonders. In addition, follow the following tips:

How to Get Your Girlfriend Back

1) Mail her a card. Not just any card…A hand made a card with feelings that come from your heart. It should be something that tells her just how miserable you are.

If it makes you feel like a little kid doing this and is a little uncomfortable, great. You probably deserve it, but this will also be exactly what she wants…Something genuine from you that lets her know you are serious and are looking for ways to get your girlfriend back.

2) Flowers. Don’t go for the standard thing, look for something that gives a message. Something that fits her personality or her in general. Make sure that it is a flower that she loves as well.

Think back and recall what things it was she said she liked, what flowers were her favourite. It will go a long way as a way to get your girlfriend back.

3) No women say no to being fussed over. You aim to pamper her, want her to have a day where she is a princess. By doing that kinda thing you are telling her that she deserves the best in your ways to get your girlfriend back.

What you are going to do with this, though, is tell her that she deserves the best from you and you wish that you had given her the best. Tell her that this is your sign that you are going to make sure she is treated the right way every day.

4) Get her a stuffed animal. This may have been something you did when you first started trying to win her affection. It’s probably the case that you haven’t done something like this in a long time. Spells To Get Your Ex Back

Get Your Girlfriend Back in Your Arms

Your message with these little ways to get your girlfriend back is that you want to start all over and do things right. Have it be a sign of your commitment. After a few months, you will have a much better sense of how you want to proceed with your ex. That’s if she lets you stay away for that long.

What usually occurs if you give her some room is she starts to feel that she may be losing you and comes scurrying back. As long as she knows that she has you there waiting to accept her back, she has no reason to act any differently. As an alternative, what you should do is, go slow.

If you have spent sufficient time away from her, she is most likely missing you as much as you are missing her. Play hard to get a little and show her that you are getting along fine without her.

This will cause her to rethink things a little. And if getting back with your ex-girlfriend is destined to be, it will then be obvious. Good luck. Now go get her! There is a saying about the brain, “it is the wonderful order that starts working the moment you get up and does not stop until you get frustrated”.

In an attempt to have your girlfriend back, it is vital to remain calm and control your frustration and anger. Once you get calm you will be in a better position to express your true feelings which will eventually facilitate in persuading your girlfriend.

After adopting all the prerequisites mentioned above, you need to take your girlfriend out to some appropriate place, surely not the bedroom. Wisely any place where there is silence, as it always helps in expressing the true feelings that come right from your heart.

Once you get a chance to take her out, try to be gentle and do not remind her of the event that made her part her ways.

Conveying the message through letters is an orthodox approach, but it always works. Henceforth you can also express your feelings by writing them in a letter and asking her to read that in front of you.

This always tends to lighten up the stress level. It is strongly recommended to avoid giving threats while attempting to make up with your girlfriend. Always put your true feelings in front of her without thinking of the outcome.

The true feelings have the power to do wonders, and they actually help you win your girlfriend back. Tell her how weak and lonely you were without her and how terrible your life would be if she would not be in it. This always works as a catalyst in melting down the heart of an angry girlfriend.

The more gentle and tender you will be, more would be the chances to win your girlfriend back. Remember regaining a lost girlfriend is highly possible. Best of luck!

Source: How to Get Your Girlfriend Back in Your Arms: The Ultimate Guide



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